Our mission is to create and expand opportunities for quality higher education in Tanzania and beyond by offering competitive, demand-driven and community-relevant academic and professional degree and non-degree programmes.
In order for this mission to be complete Jordan University College provides the first class hostels with all necessary facilities needed by a student. In our hostels there is provision of clean water services, electrical services and in campus cafeteria for our students.
All students who wish to stay on campus hostels are required to pay a sum of 400,000 tshs only per academic year. This amount is payable in two installments (200,000 at the beginning of the first semester and the remaining amount in the beginning of second semester) or in full to our CRDB bank account, name: Jordan University College, Account number: 0150277527901.
Our hostels are very friendly for academic prosperity and conducive for all students who wish to stay in the College premises. Our College wardens under Dean of Students’ Office are here to insure the wellbeing and welfare of all students in the campus.
Jordan University College,
P. O. Box 1878
Morogoro, Tanzania.
E-mails deanofstudents@juco.ac.tz
Phone: +255 654 401 552, +255 787 572 252